Sunday, March 29, 2009

fuck off to all hypocrites

you know i really really hate hypocrites?
i sooo really wished that i can blog about this lady. but i can't! for fear of her accessing to my blog, if she ever do read.

but she really pisses me off. what a pretentious piece of sh*t. like to contradict everything.

(i hate pretending to like somebody when i dont. i will really show it if i really really do not like a particular person and will never pretend to be ok with them. oh well. had this colleague too and i think he probably do know i really do not like him. unless he's too dumb? long story anyway. petty fat mr t. tan)

HAI. REALLY WISHED I CAN HOLLER OUT THE ANOTHER ^%&i*^(& THAT IM REALLY PISSED OFF WITH. cant, maybe for now. the reason is really simple but i cant say it now if not it will be toooo obvious.

Don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you. Think about it overnight and remain silent.Psalm 4:4 NLT

i just cant do it!!!!!!!


  1. tagboard yes no? can comment yes no?
    pls meet me when you stop working. hohohoh

  2. Nice Blog, especially on all the food. oh man... I'm hungry =S Take a chill pill and mash some gnomes. ^^ cheers.


  3. hahaha hi pearlyn :D yesyes sure!!! :D

  4. hey chris. ahahah thanks and yups D: was angry and am perfectly fine now :D
