Before I leave for the city to shop a little, while waiting for bf's lesson to end.........
A teensy weeny update~~
Scrumpy is in Melbourne tooooooo!
Thanks to my sister and Bryan's mum.
Initially I had forgotten all about Scrumpy (in a way.. I wanted to bring him along but the day itself was some mad rush that I forgot to put him in my hand-carry bag)
So he she was left in SG for a while....
The other day, I instructed my sister to pass my contact lens (yes i forgot to bring the supplies too!) and my MTM pre-blended eye cream (no time to drop by town to blend!! so sister had to help me while im in aussie. THANKS SISTAAAA) to Bryan's mum before she comes to Melbourne..
and my dearest sister took Scrumpy along tooo :)
Yup. Gave him a goooooood bath before landing on my bed (or rather, mattress)
the other day when Bryan's cousins were around,
did some massive shopping at A&F (i bought one top only tho).
after some hot choc of course :D)))) <-- massive chins built up from the hot chocolate.
and Bf brought me this!
because he said it was nice but i complained that its expensive and refused to buy it..
(ok. it's not that expensive just that I thought Made-In-China product is not worth it despite it being A&F :P OPPS!)
ah. its one of the few times when bf pampers me. (wish there'll be more tho. BLEAH.)
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