i've decided to just post few photos of whatever i've been doing now~ instead of the outdated post which i may continue another timeeeeee (will think about it because am feeling too lazy)
here's the Hawthorn Station
yay. i live near the hawthorn station.. and will take the train only to the city.
to my school? will be the trammmmmmmmm (no photos tho)
yup. busy busy with my assignments.... lotsa assignments
photo taken at bf's uni - RMIT.
wait till i post the actual mug in which they serve at the cafe itself. what've i've captured is the take-away!
still love Ganache hotchoc tho. it's the best!
been spending quite alot of time at bf's uni after school while waiting for him to end... or just to study while his doing his project.
studying at home makes me snack moreeee than this cuppa hot chocolate!
i am turning roundddd soon.
consistent study is gooood.
arc = pig
ReplyDeleteLOL thats his middle name (:
ReplyDeletearc: you suck.
Hello eeling! How's life? Anyway, u can extract that post on diff perspective of life! ;) I wana go study in australia too!! What shld I do?