to start our looooooooooooooong day.
it's part of the hotel room stay though the breakfast is kind of... bleh.
and a very cute too-big-for-the-car Samoa~ (i hope i got the spelling right)
it really brought a delightful feel in my heart :D
because the rest of the day i was kind of suffering... in a way.
was actually excited for the lesson...
until i started to know the ugly fact.
learning snow boarding wasnt easy! at least not for me.


you can even see our hotel!i am the sort who is ready for any roller coaster ride, and even bungee jump (i think if i am given the chance)... BUT I WAS SHAKING w FEAR UP AT THE SKI LIFT CHAIR!!
was really grabbing tight as you can see. =S
*the only thing that i looked forward to was...
my pasta lunch at Downtown Cafe.
i had this splitting headache halfway from all the falls and stuff.. but was actually stress. (visited the doc about this condition when im back in sg.. just in case i was abnormal but doc said it was stress.)
scenery was beautiful though for me to enjoy it (until the last day)...
i was whining about giving up....
my head was like killing me i just had to stop and took some aspirins.
i really wanted to stop learning. =(
i was just so not looking forward to it but my bf was like so enthu.....
actually luckily i didnt give up!
i managed to master it in the end :D
was actually a fun sport. hoho.
dinner was some ramen...
and a very yummy fried Camembert cheese!!!

o and i bought this cream cheese Collon. was pretty ok.. arent like a wow wow fantastic type so didnt stock up my bag w that.
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